Eran Kampf
Eran Kampf
1 min read

Amazon S3 Storing 29 Billion Objects

(Originally posted on Cloud Avenue)

logo_aws Jeff Barr from Amazon Web Service reports that Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) is now storing more than 29 billion, an increase of 7 billion from the previous quarter:

As one of the S3 engineers told me last week, that’s over 4 objects for every person now on Earth!

Our customers are keeping S3 pretty busy too. To give you an example of what this means in practice, the peak S3 usage for October 1st was over 70,000 storage, retrieval, and deletion requests per second.

Amazon is also lowering the prices on S3 storage, with a new four-tier pricing plan that takes effect on Nov. 1st. Customers storing more than 500 terabytes will get a rate of 12 cents per gigabyte.

With such a huge amount of data, low prices, and abundance of success stories, it really seems like Amazon has got a revolutionary service on its hands…