
Duet Behind the Scenes: Bounded Items

Binding to Outlook item (Mail, Task, Contact, etc.) is one of the main features that differentiates Duet’s user experience from other OBA products such as Snap-Ins, Extensio etc. What exactly are bounded items? and how is binding implemented? What are Bounded Items?A bounded item is a simple Outlook item, which can be an email, appointment, contact etc.

What's wrong with this code? #1 - Discussion

The Singleton implementation in the snippet I posted works fine as a lazy, thread-safe Singleton as it ensures only one thread can create the instance. However, there’s a big performance hit caused by the fact that we acquire a lock each time the Singleton’s instance is requested. Yoav, suggested to fix this performance problem by checking for null twice – outside the lock and inside the lock:

26 Years to my Launch

On February 27th 2008 it would be 26 years to my own “launch”. I’m truelly honored that Microsoft decided to commemorate this date by launching Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 on the same date. In fact, I wouldn’t mind celebrating with them at Los Angeles if I get the chance

Will the iPhone Blend?

Got to love this “Will it blend” videos series… So what do you think? How about an iPhone smoothy? 😉 http://www.willitblend.com/videos.aspx?type=unsafe&video=iphone

What's wrong with this code? #1

I decided to start a new column gathering all sorts of “what’s wrong with this code?” snippets. Why? Its fun. Its good for interview questions. It starts discussions. More interesting than just talking (or writing) to myself. So, here’s what I plan: I post a code snippet (most probably C# but I’m not setting constraints on myself) You comment on what’s wrong with the code on the snippet I post my answer, interesting comments, etc.

WPF Flocking and Evasion Demo

Came across this cool XBAP by Denis Dolfus:

Duet Microsoft Partner Program Page

Saw the news on Ian’s blog. Microsoft launched their Duet partners page. Check it out…

Duet Behind the Scenes: Metadata Driven Solutions

The Duet applications are built using metadata definitions that are interpreted during runtime and drive the different application’s workflow and UI. How is Duet’s metadata defined and used? What are the advantages of this model? Presentation ObjectsThe Duet metadata defines business objects and how they interact with the user and the backend system.

Just Duet! - Introduction and a Mission Statement

There are only a few active Duet bloggers out there but it seems that I’m the only one blogging from the dev team. Sadly, so far I haven’t taken advantage of that to write some cool posts about the technology behind Duet. I’ve decided to change that with a series of posts about the technology behind Due (and the first post will follow shortly after this one)

Sharp3D.Math Resurected on CodePlex

Although it has been practically dead for a long time, I’ve recently decided to resurect my open-source C# math library. Up until yesterday, the project’s home at Codeplex only contained the last release’s (1.1.3) source and binaries which I developed long time ago on .NET 1.1. Yesterday I’ve uploaded to the source control the new code based I have started to work on using .

The Future is Here! And Its Not an iPhone...

It’s a big-ass table! 🙂 Didn’t take long for someone to make a parody of the Microsoft Surface ad…

WPF Overview

Josh Smith ahs written a nuch of very comprehensive overview posts on WPF topics: Overview of routed events in WPF Overview of dependency properties in WPF Overview of attached properties in WPF A five-mile overview of WPF